On Jul 21, 2009, at 6:07 PM, Mike Wilson wrote:

Brendan Eich wrote:
If you're worried that the 'class' keyword will hypnotize
the masses into locking things down overmuch, then you
don't trust the masses very much. They'll mostly avoid
new stuff, and any who get burned by inability to monkey-
patch (which is *not* an unmixed blessing) will retreat,
and probably start a "don't use 'class'" movement.

This is not 'final' in Java (which pace Mark, I believe
was overused, including in the standard library, but
which also has different enough semantics that I wouldn't
drag it in here as a precedent. We're talking about sugar
for ES3 and ES5 facilities already implemented, or nearly

Will class inheritance then desugar to classical
prototype/constructor assignments?

The current class proposal,


has zero inheritance.

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