On Sat, 04 Jul 2009 13:49:01 +0200, Hallvord R. M. Steen
<hallv...@opera.com> wrote:

Another question: The JSON grammar says
JSONNumber ::
-opt  DecimalIntegerLiteral JSONFraction opt  ExponentPart opt
JSONFraction ::
. DecimalDigits
This apparently makes numbers like "1." illegal?

I suggest that the spec is changed. In under "Syntax", add
"JSONFraction" on a new line after

JSONNumber ::
        -opt  DecimalIntegerLiteral JSONFractionopt  ExponentPartopt

in other words, define JSONNumber as follows:

JSONNumber ::
        -opt  DecimalIntegerLiteral JSONFractionopt  ExponentPartopt

I suggest this change because the browser implementations seem to align on
allowing this.

Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software
http://www.opera.com http://my.opera.com/hallvors/
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