
Sorry if this has been covered already, but I'm curious if this list has considered something like co-routines for a future version of ES. An example implementation of the concept (I'm not sure of the quality) is here:


Properly implemented, it seems that co-routines might offer a better way to handle concurrency in the browsers than threads or web-workers for a number of reasons:

1. Since browser app are essentially event driven, the biggest problem with long running calculations in JS is that it block the browser event handling. Co-routines offer an easy way around this as a long running task can be stopped and restarted later without losing context.

2. Properly designed, co-routines can form the foundation of a scheduling library along the lines of Grand Central Dispatch which would ultimately allow a browser engine to pawn off multiple CPU cores.

Most importantly, my experience with co-routines is that it makes harder event-driven style of programming to act more straightforward.


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