On 10/15/2009 02:18 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
Maciej's thought experiment touches upon the fundamental evil of host objects. 
In the presence of host objects there is no firm foundation for understanding 
the semantics of an ECMAScript program. Adding some additional restrictions on 
host objects only reduces the insanity but doesn't eliminate it.  That's why 
some of us would like to see ECMAScript semantics expanded so that all of the 
essential characteristics of Web APIs can be directly expressed in the 
ECMAScript language without having to use the host object loophole (and would 
like to set any Web API features that can't be support with rational ES 
features on the deprecation path).
It's not clear to me how this would win.

Suppose the language as standardized provided ways to:

- define reluctant properties or values that masquerade as undefined, for 'document.all' emulation,

- define catch-all getters and setters sufficient to implement the cases recently brought up in the discussions about WebIDL (I forget the specifics),

- define "split objects" or something similar, to get a global object that behaves the way the web requires, and

- do other wretched but necessary things I haven't learned about yet.

If these features were in the standard, then people would use them in new code. This seems like a recipe for maximizing the spread of these very odd semantics.

And since it's been demonstrated that implementers are willing to introduce contra-standard behavior into their ES engines to be compatible with the de facto web with reasonable performance, I don't understand the argument that delimiting the existing kludges in the standard would somehow constrain future insanity. It never has before.

That is, a language standard alone isn't strong enough socially to contain the malaise.

What might be strong enough is a public discussion process that is responsive enough for innovators but inclusive enough to give ideas a broad vetting. Obviously, not everything can be standardized before anyone implements it, but there should be a public rough vetting process that a reasonable participant can plausibly believe will improve his/her designs. I'm assuming that, if document.all had been discussed before a broader audience, its problems could have been avoided.

If I'm debating straw man arguments, that wasn't my intention. I may have simply misunderstood what people meant; I'm certainly ignorant of the history. But it seems to me that public discussion, even of leading-edge ideas, is the only way to win.
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