On Dec 7, 2009, at 6:24 PM, Mike Samuel wrote:

2009/12/7 Yehuda Katz <wyc...@gmail.com>:
Your strawman would support:
{0: "strawman", length: 0}
A better definition might be:
o is an array like object if o[[Get]]('length') returns a Number one greater than the largest numeric property, or 0 if no numeric properties

By that better definition the array [,] is not array like.

Holes, yuck. Bringing up holes makes me sad. Prototype element of the same index shows through a hole :-(.

The need to distinguish between the two in library code could be
mooted if for (in) on arrays iterated over the array index properties of arrays in numeric oder order first, followed by other properties in insertion order, and host objects like NodeCollections followed suit.

+1 on this -- it has come up before on-list, most recently in a thread where Maciej tested browser implementations extensively:


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