2009/12/14 Breton Slivka <z...@zenpsycho.com>:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Mike Samuel <mikesam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> (3) If (!1), should future EcmaScript drafts define iteration order
>> for arrays as index order and possibly recommend to array like host
>> objects that the define iteration order similarly.
> I would suggest that this change would be mostly useless to me in my
> day to day work.  The fact that past ecmascripts made the mistake of
> enumerating over properties that should not be enumerated over (such
> as monkey patched functions) is a fact of life that spawned two
> patterns:
> 1. The crockford iteration:
> for(var i in o) {
>    if(o.hasOwnProperty(i)){
>       //iteration code
>    }
> }
> 2. The array-like iteration:
> for(var i = 0; i<o.length; i++) {
>    //iteration code
> }

Does the performance of this on large sparse arrays pose problems for
you in your day to day work?
E.g. for (o = new Array(1e100)).

Do you use jquery in day to day work?  I ask because that's one
library that already seems to dynamically switch between the two.

> When I iterate over an array or array like, I want JUST the numbered
> indexes and none of the named indexes. I cannot think of a pattern
> that uses for( x in y) which can gaurantee that, and I can't figure
> out how I would use it in day to day work.  The iteration code would
> need to be prepared for either a numeric i, or a string i, so I
> couldn't safely do arithmetic OR string operations on it without
> deciding which I was dealing with first. Even if I did so, I can't
> think of a situation where such code would be useful. not to mention,
> would not changing the order break compatibility with existing
> programs?

Can you think of any existing programs that rely on the current
(undefined but something like insertion order) order for arrays?

> A far more useful direction for iteration is the generalization of the
> forEach, map, and filter array extras. As others have pointed out,
> there is an implicit contract in these methods. These are methods that
> actually make programming easier, rather than just being useless
> appendixes like some rigging of for-in iteration order would be. I
> have no opinion on whether they should be static methods or not.

> My suggestion would be that if an object can function as the "this"
> argument within Array.prototype.slice, and slice returns a non empty

I think basing the definition on what Array.prototype.slice does is a
decent criterion.

> array, then it is array like, and should be acceptable within any of
> the other array extras, as that's what I expect. This includes user
> defined objects such as the jQuery object, host collections, the
> arguments object, arrays from other frames, etc. This matches with

Only if those collections are not empty.  Calling slice on an empty
array obviously returns an empty array which would fail your test

> patterns that I use, patterns used in jquery, the pattern of calling
> Array.prototype.slice on arguments objects, it renders moot the
> trouble with arrays from external frames, and so on.
> The only pitfall, which I've already pointed out, is that it also
> includes strings, and may, if naively defined ( as I did earlier)
> include functions, or objects in the style of {width:20, height:40:
> length:60}. When I write templating functions, or dom tree walking
> functions, I often need to distinguish between a host collection, an
> array or array like, and a string, to decide whether I simply pass the
> object on as is, or iterate over it. (is it singular or multiple in
> nature?)
> The fact is, javascript libraries, and programmers will use any
> language construct they can grab a hold of to make reasonable
> decisions that work within the program their writing. I'm not sure
> what value there would be in TC-39 decreeing a pattern as blessed,
> because programmers are just as likely to ignore it and just use what
> works for them, today, right now, no matter how technically wrong it
> is.

There are far fewer Javascript library writers than Javascript
programmers so I'm not convinced that it's too large an audience to
talk to.

> However, the discussion here has revealed one interesting thing: Both
> ES3 and ES5 are inadequate for efficiently determining one particular
> property of an object that would be useful in the accuracy of these
> decisions. That is, it is difficult to determine whether an object has
> numeric properties or not without iterating over [length] elements. If
> there was some flag in an object that gets set on *insertion* of a
> numeric property, a flag which is observable in some way from user
> code, or something that gets observed by a built in isArrayLike, that
> would, I believe, close this gap. Does it make sense to try and unset
> the flag once it is set? I don't think that would be necessary.

This flag on insertion would again report that empty arrays are not
array like, but I guess there's only one possible ordering of the
elements of the empty set so it's moot.
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