Should it be the case that invoking unoverridden eval with 0 or 2 or
more arguments is an EvalError, regardless of whether the call is
direct or not?

What is the behavior of
  eval("alert('Hello, World!')", void 0)

Section eval (x) specifies the behavior of the eval function
    "When the eval function is called with one argument x, the
following steps are taken:"
but section specifies the behavior of the eval operator
without mention to # of arguments

    "A direct call to the eval function is one that is expressed as a
    that meets the following two conditions:
    1. The Reference that is the result of evaluating the
MemberExpression in the
    CallExpression has an environment record as its base value and its reference
    name is "eval".
    2. The result of calling the abstract operation GetValue with that Reference
    as the argument is the standard built-in function defined in"

Sections 10.4.2 Entering eval code, and later the addenda both switch
on the use of direct call but without any extra language about extra
    " Implementations are no longer permitted to restrict the
use of eval in
    ways that are not a direct call.  In addition, any invocation of
eval that is not a
    direct call uses the global environment as its variable
environment rather than
    the caller’s variable environment."

Since the direct call to eval distinction does not depend on the
number of arguments, it seems that
  eval("alert('Hello, World!')", void 0)
should resolve alert in the local environment and ignore the second
and subsequent parameters.
And that the behavior of
  (0, eval)("alert('Hello, World!')", void 0)
is undefined because there is no else clause in section
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