On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 5:13 PM, David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> We had a good discussion about modules at this week's meeting, and Sam 
> Tobin-Hochstadt and I have worked out a strawman for a simple module system. 
> I've posted a first draft to the wiki:
>    http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:simple_modules
> There are lots of examples to peruse at:
>    http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:simple_modules_examples
> which might also be a decent starting point to get a feel for the design.

Thanks for the examples page.  I think it would be useful to have
comparable examples for the other 3 modules strawmen too.

> This has a good bit of overlap with -- and is in many ways inspired by -- 
> Ihab and Chris's work, but it has at least one major departure: modules in 
> this proposal are not inherently first class values, although we do provide 
> ways of getting objects that reflect the contents of modules.

So, as Brendan described, they're not first class because you want to
analyze dependencies statically?

I agree that's a really common requirement.  I've found that to be a
problematic area of CommonJS modules, but I think it can be resolved
pretty easily.  I will write something about this, but basically I
just have a special syntactic restriction on require() statements.
"embeddable" modules are a subset of modules, and are statically

The 3 use cases I see for statically analyzing dependencies are:

1. async/parallel module retrieval over HTTP (need to retrieve modules
before evaluating them)
2. static "linking" (what http://code.google.com/p/gelatin-js/ does,
need to get dependencies without executing the program)
3. parameterized modules / module metaprogramming (need to get
dependencies first for exposing to users)

For comparison, I would point to the fact Python has evolved a crazy
number of module metaprogramming facilities over the years.  It isn't
obvious why, but basically any large Python program does something
"weird" with modules in my experience (i.e. involving a Turing
complete language):


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