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On 4/14/2010 11:30 AM, David Herman wrote:
>>> function foo(...) { f->(...); g->(...); }
>> [snip]
>> Of course, and I certainly understand how continuations reify the
>> frame(s), and how traditional continuations preserve the stack, but I
>> don't follow how to preserve the stack when you have broken the
>> continuations apart into separate autonomous single-frame
>> continuations.
> Single-frame continuations capture a single frame. That's all there is
to it-- there's nothing else to preserve. You suspend a single frame,
save it in a data structure, and when it comes time to resume it, you
place it back on the top of your current stack.
> If the frame is on top of some larger continuation, you *cannot* and
*must not* save any of the rest of that continuation. That's the whole
point of single-frame continuations. They aren't *supposed* to save the
rest of the continuation. If you did, they wouldn't be single-frame
continuations any more. They'd be full continuations.
Exactly, I'm glad we are on the same page about that, I was hoping
there wasn't some crazy magic be suggested.
> If, for the sake of diagnostics, you would like to capture some
diagnostic information for e.g. better stack trace information, your VM
can certainly take a snapshot of the current full stack (basically, save
a stack trace) at the point of suspending the continuation, and carry
that around in case an exception gets thrown later on when the
continuation is resumed.
> But beyond that, I still don't know what you mean by "preserve the stack."

My assertion is that with the proper API, libraries (that understands
the call structures) can reconstruct a call stack (collectively using
the individual continuations) to make it easy to debug. But due to the
complexity and difficulty of demonstrating how this work, I am now
convinced that this could and should be a separate API/function rather
be integrated into the core semantics of the continuations. Obviously
explaining the call stack API needs more effort. I still think it is
valuable, but I am fine with it being separate no longer considered
for the core semantics. It can be discussed sometime in the future as
an extension.

> [snip]
>>> Earlier in this thread, I demonstrated a simple single-frame
>>> semantics and shown how generators could pretty easily be layered
>>> on top of it...
>> Sorry, I thought you were suggesting that it was difficult to
>> understand my specification of the semantics and code translation and
>> need it be more clearly written. Your example of the generator library
>> provides neither.
> My example of the generator library was not the proposed semantics. See
>     https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2010-March/010866.html

Oops, my apologies, I didn't realize you were referring to that email,
yes that is clear.

> I wrote:
>> semantics of <expr> "->" <arg-list>:
>>     1. Evaluate the LHS expression and then the argument expressions
>>     2. Let *k* be the current function continuation (including code,
stack frame, and exception handlers).
>>     3. Exit the current activation.
>>     4. Call the LHS value with the argument values followed by *k*.
>>     5. Return the result of the call.
>> semantics of calling *k* with argument *v* (defaults to the undefined
>>     1. Create a new function activation using the stack chain from the
point of capture.
>>     2. Reinstall the function activation's exception handlers from the
point of capture (on top of the exception handlers of the rest of the
stack that has called *k*).
>>     2. Use *v* as the completion of the point of capture.
>>     3. Continue executing from the point of capture.
> I thought this was reasonably clear, or at least, at the time you
sounded like you thought it was clear.
Indeed, and with the shift in syntax (taking a single value), and API
(generator style), I like this.
> Alternatively, I could sketch it out as a rough reduction rule,
>       S(A(f->(v1, ..., vn)))
> ----> S(f(v1, ..., vn, function (x) A(x)))
> As I suggested in my blog post, this has the problem that the call to
`f' loses the catch and finally blocks of A. In my post I suggested the
>       S(A(f->(v1, ..., vn)))
> ----> S(A(let (result = f(v1, ..., vn, function (x) A(x))) { return
result }))
> But, as Waldemar pointed out, this is wrong, too. In fact, I'm about at
the point where I don't believe a feature based on function calls will
be workable, due to `finally'. I don't see any way of ensuring the
invariant (expected by ES programmers) that a `finally' block will be
executed at most once per activation while at the same time having
*both* the continuation *and* the function called via -> be protected by
the same `finally' block.
> I've described the issue here:

Don't you preserve this invariant by enforcing single-shot
continuations? Not sure why the -> syntax gets in the way of that.
>> 1. The biggest problem with the semantics you propose is that it fails
>> to provide a means for resuming a continuation with a thrown error.
> I agree it's an omission, but disagree that it's the biggest problem.
It's fixable in a couple different ways. Your suggestion is one; another
is to represent a continuation as an object with both `send' and `throw'
methods, a la generators.

Yes, that sounds great to me. And actually that makes easier to add a
function in the future for call stack preservation.
> IMO, the biggest problem is `finally'. I have doubts whether it's
surmountable at all, at least with a form like `->' (as opposed to
something like `yield').
>> 2. I am opposed to the notion of appending the continuation resume
>> function on to the list of arguments.
> I pretty much agree with this point. But the bigger fish to fry is the
basic control flow story.

Cool, then I think we are mostly in agreement on how -> could work.
> It still might be possible to sketch a simple semantics based on a
`yield'-like construct. But I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up
looking a lot like JS 1.7 / Python generators.
If that approach is still of interest, I'll throw out some ideas on
the other thread.

- -- 
Kris Zyp
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