On Jun 3, 2010, at 2:19 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On Jun 2, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:
>> I feel this proposal is incredibly complicated for basically the single use 
>> case of WebGL.  The majority of use cases for typed arrays are for 
>> homogenous element types, and I believe most of what WebGL wants could be 
>> achieved simply by use of homogeneously typed arrays that were stepped in a 
>> way to avoid aliasing (this would not be complicated from either 
>> implementation or specification PoV).  The usability would likely be better 
>> than the current webgl model, it wouldn't require aliasing, and it would 
>> require such a complicated addition to the language.
> It would help for the WebGL use case to be simplified to unify typed arrays 
> and array buffers, eliminating aliasing and requiring monotyped arrays.
> But IIRC WebGL folks other than yourself (who should please speak up ;-) 
> can't take the hit of, e.g. (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | a and then a 
> 32-bit store via assignment to the "rgba" element of what is ideally a typed 
> array of {x, y, z: uint32; r, g, b, a: uint8} structs (to abuse syntax 
> further), but which per your suggestion above would have to be a uint32 array 
> with x, y, z, and rgba elements stored in sequence.

My proposal would have you do something along the lines of:
buffer = new ArrayBuffer({x, y, z: uint32; r, g, b, a: uint8} ) // using your 
abused syntax

producing an object where you would do:
buffer.x[i] = ...;
buffer.y[i] = ...;
buffer.r[i] = ...;
buffer.g[i] = ...;


> This could all be "optimization", an implementation issue. Except WebGL needs 
> speed, and this need is evident in the semantics of proposals such as typed 
> arrays.
> Ignoring all such optimization guarantees, the shift and OR code is ugly and 
> verbose. So there's a usability argument to be made for arrays of structs, if 
> not typed arrays as proposed.

I'm not sure where this shift/or stuff comes from?

> As your amusing ES5 metaprogramming code shows, we could support arrays of 
> structs using objects, and leave optimization out of the spec. In doing this 
> we'd be preserving the "b = a[i]; b.x = 42; assert(a[i].x === 42)" behavior.
> We would break "a[j] = a[i]; a[j].x = 42; assert(a[i].x === 42)" for j != i 
> and j < a.length. But perhaps that is not a useful equivalence. Or we could 
> require an explicit copy operation to assign from a[i] to a[j], or throw an 
> error (but the last seems gratuitous since one can introduce a temporary b as 
> workaround).
> Implicit struct copy seems worse than reified object as fat-pointer. Implicit 
> copying could be quite expensive, even if optimized away for "a[i].x" but not 
> "b = a[i]".
> Bottom line: it still seems to me that the WebGL use-case is C-like (GL was a 
> C API back in the day), and wants arrays (C vectors) of structs that are 
> allocated in-line and packed full of machine types, and possibly even 
> sub-structs or sub-typed-arrays. Vlad averred as much recently.
> The current typed array views into array buffers, besides reminding Tucker of 
> Common Lisp "displaced arrays", smell of Fortran common blocks holding 
> overlayed vectors. Surely we can do better!

My intention was that you end up with a "struct of arrays" rather than an 
"array of structs" -- internally the implementation would be using flat storage 
in the form requested.  The exposed accessor for a given field array would be 
something akin to

return toJSValue(*(MachineType*)(data + index * structSize + fieldOffset))


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