Shades of the first browser wars. This is sometimes the right thing but too 
much and we get tower-of-Babel confusion and extensions that don't go away.

We're not extending SpiderMonkey in Firefox with things not proposed or already 
in the harmony: namespace. We are also not yet agreed on shipping Proxy in 
Firefox 4. It's easy to slap on a vendor prefix, but hard to take that away 
later, and it degrades usability testing subtly.


On Jul 2, 2010, at 10:24 AM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

> Both Mozilla and WebKit have vendor prefixes in DOM extensions.
> window.webkitNotifications
> window.mozPaintCount
> Chrome added some as well but we use a single object.
> chrome.csi();
> chrome.loadTimes()
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 09:23, Allen Wirfs-Brock 
> <> wrote:
> I just noticed from John Resig’s Twitter stream that Proxies are now in the 
> FF nightlies.   I think this sort of implementation experience is exactly 
> what we need to be doing for features  that are proposed for Harmony.  
> However, this announcement starting me thinking about what happens when 
> inevitably there are differences  between this early experimental 
> implementation and the final ES-Harmony specification.   How can we encourage 
> such implementation and usage without also risking premature de facto 
> standardization of details that ultimately may need to change?   Can we help 
> JavaScript programmers recognize such experimental features?
> This might be done with a technique similar to CSS’s vender-specific naming 
> conventions (eg, _moz_Proxy) or via namespacing.  In either case, we won’t 
> necessary need to use vendor names.  For example, “TC39exp”, is probably a 
> pretty collision safe global name so you might have for example TC39exp.Proxy.
> I don’t have any personal experience with  CSS vender extensions, but my 
> expression is that they may be somewhat a mixed bag from an interoperability 
> perspective.  Is this the case?  I don’t want to send us down a path that is 
> a folly but it does seem like it would be wise to clearly tag experiments as 
> such.
> Thoughts?
> Allen
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