On Oct 10, 2010, at 4:14 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

> My interpretation is that the spec in this regard is consistent with reality 
> as intended and is not an ass.

Could be -- I know we have discussed this before, and I like your 
interpretation, but Cameron is only the latest among many to reach different 
categorical conclusions, which did not include yours (if I have not misread 
his). Something is unclear in the spec.


> Native functions can be written in JS or be built in. The "semantics defined 
> by the spec" does not mean that the spec says what specifically their 
> internal [[Call]] method does when called. It does say what the overall 
> contract is. For example, it must inherit from Function.prototype. It must 
> have an integer length. It must have a [[Call]] property, and thus its 
> "typeof" must be "function". And it should have a [[Class]] of "Function".
> In other words, [[Class]] "Function" is one of the native internal nominal 
> types whose contract is defined by the spec. If a method of a host object 
> obeys that contract, it would be best for it to actually be a native function.
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 12:41 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:
> On Oct 10, 2010, at 3:28 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
> > Native functions do not have associated FunctionBody representations, of 
> > course; one clue is what toString returns.
> Here I use "native functions" to mean either the built-in functions of ES5 
> clause 15, or the DOM built-in functions. Although the spec draws a bright 
> line around its built-ins vs. "host objects", real implementations use the 
> same native-function variant of function objects for both. This is important 
> reality to support with some spec fixes.
> What's more, we hope to self-host DOM methods over time, so the WebIDL specs 
> should not require built-in or "native" implementation. It should not be 
> mandatory. But now I think we are way beyond es5-discuss territory. Setting 
> reply-to.
> /be
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>     Cheers,
>     --MarkM
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