Brendan wrote:
>   use private cachedHotness;
We have that kind of syntax reserved for pragmas:

I know, and that is why I threw it out there. To me, this kind of messing around with the meaning of identifiers feels like a compile-time thing, not a runtime thing... Allen's proposal treats "private" like "var" and "const", and it makes me uneasy because it seems as if there is something deeply non-parallel there. More below, but for now, I withdraw the "use private" suggestion.

On 12/21/2010 07:33 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
My request to anyone who wants some sort of private object state access is:  
propose the syntax you want to use.

Okay.  I've read the strawman now, and I'm ready to make a sketchy proposal:

What we do currently for weak encapsulation (where currently weak means advisory only) is prefix our identifiers with underscores. I would like it if the private names syntax just made something like this work to give us a stronger form of weak encapsulation. The strawman already uses the # character, so let's stick with that. I propose that if you prefix an identifier with #, you get a private name:

    var counter = {
       #count: 0;
       next: function() { return this.#count++; }
       reset: function() { this.#count = 0; }

This is just what we might write today, but with # instead of _.

In order for this to work you have to abandon the idea of scoped private identifiers. I say: make all private identifiers scoped to the compilation unit. Names wouldn't be private within a file or <script> or eval'ed string, but they would be private across files. Given that this encapsulation can be defeated with Object.getOwnPropertyNames anyway, and given that programmers who really need within-file privacy can skip this convenient syntax and create their own Name objects, I think this ought to be good enough. (Though it does have important consequences for script concatenation.)

The second part of my proposal is a little more shaky. The # token, by itself, would evaluate to an opaque value such that:

     o.#foo === o[# + "foo"]

This means that to share private names (all of them) across compilation unit boundaries, you'd share the # value. (I'm not sure whether I'd propose that Allen's syntax for converting just a single private identifier to a Name object be retained or discarded.)

Note that this addresses the concern Oliver raised about accidentally generating new private names on each invocation of a constructor. With this proposal, #foo means the same thing everywhere and on every invocation within a compilation unit.

Also note that the use of the # prefix removes the need for the whole "Private Declarations Exist in a Parallel Environment" section of the strawman.

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