On 2010-12-23 16:36, thaddee yann tyl wrote:
> The private names proposal has a lot of good ideas, but their use is
> not obvious.
> The reasons I see for that are:
> The "private a;" declaration:
> * changes meaning of all obj.a in scope
> * looks like a scoped variable, not a private element of an object
> * is not generative-looking
> ... which makes it harder to understand, and use.

I agree with these criticisms.

> I find that David Herman's proposal fixes those issues:
>> But your idea suggests yet another alternative worth adding to our growing 
>> pantheon. We could allow for the scoping of private names, but always 
>> require them to be prefixed by the sigil. This way there's no possibility of 
>> mixing up public and private names. So to use an earlier example from this 
>> thread (originally suggested to me by Allen):
>>   function Point(x, y) {
>>       private #x, #y;
>>       this.#x = x;
>>       this.#y = y;
>>   }
> I understand that the number sign gets really heavy and annoying after
> some time. As a result, I suggest a simpler syntax, "private
> .secret;":
>   private .a;
>   k..a = o;

I find this less readable, and I think it would be easy to miss the
difference between . and .. in larger expressions. Also, the .. operator
is used in other languages for ranges.

In any case, let's not bikeshed about this yet. Either .# or @ is fine
for discussion. ('.#' is perhaps more suited to being viewed as a
variant of '.' with a private field selector, and '@' as an operator
distinct from '.')

David-Sarah Hopwood  ⚥  http://davidsarah.livejournal.com

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