On 2010-12-27 19:15, David Herman wrote:
>> Dave, under the spec for "Operation OwnProperties(obj)" step 1, you don't 
>> explicitly state that these index properties are to be enumerated in numeric 
>> order. An oversight?
> Oops, yes, thanks for catching that. I've updated the wiki.

The given algorithm seems to order index-properties before non-index
properties for each object on the prototype chain, rather than ordering
all index-properties (for all objects on the chain) before all non-index
properties. I'm not disagreeing with this choice, but was it intentional?

Nitpick: the '[ props, ...' notation could be misinterpreted as saying that
the previous 'props' list is the first element of the new list. It should be
something like 'props ++ [...'.

David-Sarah Hopwood  ⚥  http://davidsarah.livejournal.com

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