Hi John,

> Module declarations are only allowed at the top level of a script or module, 
> but for convenience, they can nest within top-level blocks, and are hoisted 
> to be in scope for the entire containing script or module.
> Can someone explain what this sentence means? 
> To me it says: Module declarations MUST be outside of any function 
> declaration, but you can declare modules pretty much anywhere as long as you 
> don't expect to understand what happens when you do ;-).

Heh, that's not what it was supposed to mean, no. :) It means that you can 
*only* nest module declarations inside plain block statements -- not under 
conditionals, loops, functions, etc. For example:

    <script type="harmony">
            module C { ... }
            module D { ... }

But I'm actually mostly convinced that allowing this little bit of nesting is a 
bad idea anyway. The reason this relaxation was put in there was to support 
REPL's, so that you could do multiline input with mutually recursive modules, 

    js> {
        module A { ... B ... }
        module B { ... A ... }

But I think this introduces too much complexity into the spec just to support 
external tools, when those tools could probably pretty easily come up with 
their own solution. For example, a REPL like Firebug or node.js could add 
support for multi-line input with meta-commands such as:

    node> .begin
    ...   module A { ... B ... }
    ...   module B { ... A ... }
    ...   .end

And allowing the nesting, coupled with hoisting, introduces all the usual 
headaches of hoisting like:

        let M = 12;
            module M { ... } // oh God, now what?

So having just explained this little detail, I'll now tell you that it's 
probably going away anyway. :)


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