On Jan 21, 2011, at 11:10 AM, Andreas Gal wrote:

> For some specific reasons Mark can explain better than me the spec doesn't 
> want the implementation to verify the existence of all 7 mandatory traps, so 
> thats not really an option either.

Meta-level shifting (AKA double lifting) wants no stray "object detection" 
gets, or you'll create traps in the meta-handler where you shouldn't (e.g., the 
spec-internal IsCallable helper). See


> We have previously discussed adding standard handlers to the specification, 
> i.e. an NoopHandler and a ForwardingHandler.

The latter is proposed:


> You can delegate to these from your handler to get the desired default 
> behavior. I think this is the best of the someone poor choices we have. It 
> catches accidental trap omissions, but still allows you to leave them out as 
> long you pick a default behavior (and it doesn't force a specific default 
> behavior down people's throat).

Should we have a no-op or "sink" standard handler too?


> Andreas
> On Jan 21, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
>> Hi David, I'm forwarding your message to es-discuss as it has no direct 
>> relevance to ES5 per se.
>> All, please reply only on es-discuss.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: David Bruant <bru...@enseirb-matmeca.fr>
>> Date: Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 3:08 AM
>> Subject: On ES Harmony proxies extensibility
>> To: es5-disc...@mozilla.org
>> Hi,
>> Working on writing the MDN doc for ES Harmony proxies 
>> (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy),
>>  I've studied the proxies and would like to provide some feedback.
>> My main concern in the proposal (and its current implementation on FF4b9) is 
>> the following sentence: "handler is an object that at minimum implements the 
>> following API" (7 functions). At first, I didn't understand why and then I 
>> have tried the following :
>> --------
>> var p = Proxy.create({get: function(proxy, name) {
>>                                 return 'Hello '+ name;
>>                            }
>>                      });
>> Object.defineProperty(p, 'a',{value:1});
>> --------
>> In FF4b9, this code triggers an error : "defineProperty is not a function". 
>> I interpret this as: the proxy traps the defineProperty call, then calls 
>> handler.defineProperty which is undefined.
>> It gets a bit more weird when a derived trap is called. If undefined in the 
>> handler, the default behavior is called. This behavior uses one of the 
>> fundamental trap (by definition of "derived trap"). If this fundamental trap 
>> isn't implemented in the handler, an error is thrown about the fundamental 
>> trap which is not very intuitive. This is more of an implementation concern, 
>> but it could be given as an advice for future implementation.
>> Since proxies "trap" all traps (fundamental and derived), all fundamental 
>> traps need a handler method. I think that it can be the cause of a problem 
>> for the Proxy standard extensibility:
>> Let's assume that, at some point, the Proxy proposal gets standardized. It 
>> will have a well-defined set of fundamental traps and of derived traps. 
>> People are going to write applications with them.They are going to implement 
>> the 7 fundamental traps. This is code in the wild.
>> Let's assume (and this assumption is the one to discuss, I think) that the 
>> TC-39 comittee wishes to extend the number of fundamental traps with a 
>> fundamental trap 'FT'. This wish won't be able to be fulfilled, because 
>> proxies will be already implemented and used. These proxies handler will 
>> implement the 7 fundamental traps (not the 8th one) and consequently 
>> executed on an ES engine with support of the 8th trap, it will trigger some 
>> sort of error ("FT is not a function") each time the behavior trapped by FT 
>> happens.
>> Potentially breaking existing code, adding FT will be impossible.
>> My point is that as soon as Proxies will be standardized, it will become 
>> impossible to add fundamental traps without either breaking existing code or 
>> becoming inconsistent.
>> In my opinion, the extensibility problem is due to the fact that all traps 
>> are trapped by default in proxies regardless if the user wants it or not. 
>> Please allow me an analogy with DOM events. I see proxy traps as "events on 
>> ECMAScript objects". When in the code a "delete" happens, a /delete/ event 
>> happens, it is trapped and the delete handler function is called like a 
>> event handler for a DOMEventListener.
>> Capturing all events by default and forcing "proxy authors" to implement all 
>> event handlers would be the equivalent to say to web authors "implement 
>> handlers for all DOM events for all DOM node". The scale is different, so it 
>> sounds really ridiculous this way, but the result is the same with the 
>> current proxy default behavior. And as this behavior prevent Proxy 
>> extension, it would prevent addition of new DOMEvent if this had been the 
>> chosen model at the time.
>> Another problem I see from the proxy author point of view is that proxies as 
>> they are allow some non-intuitive code writing. When I started to write the 
>> handler with just a 'get' method, I expected the proxy to only "capture", 
>> "trap" only "get code" (proxy.property) like a lot of examples (in proxy 
>> presentation slides (http://www.slideshare.net/BrendanEich/metaprog-5303821) 
>> or in Tom Van Cutsem tutorial (http://soft.vub.ac.be/~tvcutsem/proxies/)) 
>> seemed to imply (that's at least how I was interpreting them).
>> A potential last problem that goes with trapping everything by default is 
>> performance. If we had the potential to only trap "events" we've registered 
>> for (by explicitely providing a function), other "events" wouldn't be 
>> trapped and thus, there could be no need to check if there is a function, 
>> etc.
>> In my opinion, the solution to solve the extensibility problem, the 
>> non-intuitive code problem and the potential performance problem would be to 
>> only trap events that have explicitely a function for it. If there is no 
>> function, instead of providing a default behavior, the event could just not 
>> be trapped.
>> I am new on this mailing-list. I hope it was the right place to provide this 
>> feedback.
>> Thanks for reading,
>> David
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>>     Cheers,
>>     --MarkM
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