I was browsing Kangax's strict mode test result page 
(http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/strict-mode/ ) and I noticed that he 
listed the recognition of a use strict directive of a event handler as a 
"non-standard" feature that he tests for. This spiked my curiosity as my 
recollection was the HTML5  event handler content attribute was specified to be 
text that is an ECMAScript FunctionBody.  FunctionBody may contain a Directive 
Prologue that includes a use strict directive so, from an ECMAScript 
perspective, there shouldn't be anything non-standard about a strict mode event 

To be sure, I checked the event handler section of the  HTML5 spec 
(http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#event-handler-attributes) and to my 
surprise I discovered that it specifies the creation of the handler function in 
a manner that, at first glance, seems to explicitly cause the presence of a use 
strict directive to  be ignored.  Essentially it seems to specify that event 
handlers specified using the event handler attribute are never executed in 
ECMAScript 5 strict mode.  I don't know whether or not this was intentional, 
but it certainly seems wrong.  The "strictness" of an ECMAScript function is an 
internal and local characteristic of the function.  For a ECMAScript host to 
say that a use strict directive is ignored is really no different  from saying 
that IfStatements or any other syntactically valid element of a FunctionBody 
will be ignored.

The HTML5 spec. get into this trouble because of the way it uses the abstract 
operation for creating function objects defined by section 13.2 of the ES5 
(http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm).  In 
step 2 of the algorithm in HTML5 it unconditionally uses False as the 
Strict parameter to the ES5 13.2 algorithm.  That might seem to exclude the 
function from strict mode, however that isn't actually  the case. All the 
Strict parameter to 13.2 controls is whether or not "poison-pill" properties 
for 'caller' and 'arguments' are created for the function object.  The 
semantics of strict mode are specified throughout the ES5 specification and are 
control by the actual lexical occurrence of a use strict directive. The Strict 
parameter to 13.2 does not alter this semantics.

The HTML5 spec. also contains another related bug.   Step three says "If the 
previous steps failed to compile the script, then ..." where the "previous 
steps" pretty clearly references the use of ES5 13.2 in the immediately 
preceding step 2.  However, there is nothing in ES5 13.2 that concerns the 
compilation of ECMAScript source text.  Instead 13.2 expects to be passed an 
valid FunctionBody. That validation ("compilation") must occur somewhere else.

It appears to me that these problem are probably the result of the HTML5 
algorithm being patterned after the wrong parts of the ES5 spec.  The 
appropriate part of the ES5 spec. to use as a model is steps 8-11 of ES5  This is the definition of the Function constructor.   These steps 
correctly take care of parsing the FunctionBody and handling any resulting 
syntax errors.  It also calls 13.2 with a correct Strict parameter. Replacing 
HTML5 steps 2-3 with steps modeled after ES5 steps, 8, 9, and 
11 (step 10 is not applicable) should correct these issues.

Finally, Kangax also lists as a "non-standard" feature the recognition of 
strict coder as the string argument to setTimeout.  I couldn't find anything 
the HTML5 spec.  that could be interpreted as excluding strict ECMAScript code 
in this context.

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