On 2/8/2011 11:41 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
see below
On Feb 8, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

Does anyone know of any other syntax that all major JS engines accept
that are not in the official ES5.1 grammar?

Yes, various RegExp syntax discrepancies are know to exist. Somebody
needs to catalog them.

Especially the discrepancies which are visible when executing the few RegExp examples from the ES3/ES5 specification are quite amusing.

"A<B>bold</B>and<CODE>coded</CODE>".split(new RegExp("<(/)?([^<>]+)>"))
=> Wrong result in Firefox/IE

"ab".split(new RegExp("a*"))
=> Wrong result in IE

new RegExp("((a)|(ab))((c)|(bc))").exec("abc")
=> Wrong result in IE

new RegExp("(z)((a+)?(b+)?(c))*").exec("zaacbbbcac")
=> Wrong result in Safari/IE

new RegExp("(.*?)a(?!(a+)b\\2c)\\2(.*)").exec("baaabaac")
=> Wrong result in Safari/IE

(Tested with current IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera)
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