I've been working on a prototype implementation of the binary data spec in pure 
JS (implemented via typed arrays) and I've been bitten by the lack of a 
standard mechanism for subclassing Function.

I'm using proxies for the implementation, and Proxy.createFunction doesn't let 
me specify a custom prototype. Now, I can understand that this preserves the 
existing property of the language that the only callable things are either 
regexps or descendants of Function. But we could extend the proxy API to allow 
custom functions with user-specified prototypes and still preserve this 

    Proxy.createFunction(handler, callTrap[, constructTrap[, proto]])

The proto argument would default to the original value of Function.prototype 
[1]. But if the user provides a prototype, the library could enforce that proto 
instanceof Function [2]. This way we would preserve the invariant that for any 
callable value v, either v is a regexp or (typeof v === "function" && v 
instanceof Function).

Maciej has also suggested a Function.create(...) API for more lightweight 
creation of function subtypes. This would strengthen the argument for allowing 
Proxy.createFunction to specify a prototype, since Proxy.createFunction() ought 
to be able to do anything Function.create() can do.

I'm curious to know if there are reasons I've missed why Proxy.createFunction() 
doesn't support a custom prototype. It seems to me like a nice additional 
expressiveness without any great loss of language invariants. But I may have 
missed something.


[1] In the face of multiple globals, this would be the Function associated with 
the same global as Proxy. (BTW, I intend to work with Andreas on speccing out 
multiple globals.)

[2] Again, the Function associated with the same global as Proxy.

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