One thought, I had to share after laying it on dherman in person:

We sure could use a pure-JS implementation of the proposal, on github, so 
people can *use* it. A lot of the arguments here should be settled by beating 
on the anvil of an open-source, forkable implementation, and may the sharpest 
fork, er, sword, win.

I'd hate to be on a committee that had to pick the winner prematurely, or 
really, without user testing and feedback -- and yes, even forking that led to 
greater user testing and eventual consolidation.

Separately I think TC39 does agree that injection-attack safety is a goal, and 
for this reason quasis are still on our agenda. Can we combine forces or at 
least make proposals combine well?


On Mar 9, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Shanjian Li wrote:

> That part is for sure, ie. we won't have gratuitously different pattern 
> formats and styles of operation. As to how the internationalized one will be 
> designed and implemented, two possibilities.
> 1. I18n feature (locale specific behavior) will be implemented through extend 
> the existing mechanism (like bob's idea, to pass formatting responsibility to 
> object's toFormat() method). 
> 2. I18n feature will be implemented on top of the generic form, using it as a 
> foundation.
> shanjian
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Gillam, Richard <> wrote:
> If we're going to ultimately have two APIs that do the same thing-- a generic 
> one and an internationalized one-- can we at least avoid having them have 
> gratuitously different pattern formats and styles of operation?
> --Rich Gillam
>   Lab126
> On Mar 9, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Nebojša Ćirić wrote:
>> This proposal intentionally avoids i18n issues and focuses on general 
>> formatting. One can still use i18n features from our API like so:
>> var locale = new LocaleInfo();
>> var df = locale.dateTimeFormat();
>> "I got married on {0}".format(df.("12/03/2001")); 
>> MessageFormat was focusing on plurals and gender, and we couldn't reach 
>> consensus on actual message format and scope, so we postponed it. Also, we 
>> aim to avoid adding i18n API objects into core language at this moment.
>> 09. март 2011. 14.53, Shawn Steele <> је 
>> написао/ла:
>> I would postpone any formatting stuff until the i18n stuff was better 
>> understood.
>> - Shawn
>>  
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [] 
>> On Behalf Of Gillam, Richard
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 2:46 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A proposal to add String.prototype.format
>> It seems worth mentioning that this functionality sounds an awful lot like 
>> what MessageFormat does, and MessageFormat was in the i18n strawman (and I 
>> have it in my own i18n implementation).  It doesn't seem like we need two 
>> different "formatted string" APIs.
>> --Rich Gillam
>>  Lab126
>> On Mar 9, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Adam Shannon wrote:
>> > I rather like the idea of having this syntax for string formatting:
>> >
>> > "name: {name:first} {name.last}".format(name)
>> >
>> > It allows for more complex operations
>> >
>> > "name: {person.firstName} \nstart:
>> > {myEvent.startTime}".format(myEvent, person)
>> >
>> > Also, it doesn't require mundane fixes later on and keeps things
>> > simple for the developer. (No needed knowledge or maintenance of
>> > things based on position.)
>> >
>> > On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 15:36, Shanjian Li <> wrote:
>> >> I like this idea.  I thought a lot about how to support those locale
>> >> specific stuff like plural and gender. Your suggestion provide an
>> >> elegant way to transfer the responsibility to a more appropriate party.
>> >>
>> >> shanjian
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Bob Nystrom <> wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> It doesn't specify how to print objects, except for %s, which says
>> >>>>> that if the argument is not a string, convert it to string using
>> >>>>> .toString().
>> >>>>
>> >>>> If the format specifier does not apply to the argument given, it
>> >>>> should raise exceptions. Except string conversion, no other
>> >>>> conversion will be done.
>> >>>
>> >>> I like your first six points, but the formatting string stuff feels
>> >>> odd to
>> >>> me: neither dynamic nor object-oriented. C needs format specifiers
>> >>> because it doesn't otherwise know now to interpret the bits you
>> >>> give. ES doesn't have that problem.
>> >>> At the same time, baking a rigid set of formatting instructions into
>> >>> string.format() feels like a poor separation of concerns.
>> >>> string.format()'s just is to compose a string out of smaller pieces.
>> >>> Why should it need to know anything about numbers or dates?
>> >>> Could we just say that this:
>> >>>     "hi, {0:blah}.".format(someObj); Is (conceptually) desugared to:
>> >>>     ("hi, " + someObj.toFormat("blah") + ".") So anything after the
>> >>> ":" in an argument (the format string) gets passed to the object
>> >>> itself by way of a call to toFormat() (or some other method
>> >>> name) on it. Then each object can decide what format strings are
>> >>> appropriate for it.
>> >>> This keeps the responsibilities separate: string.format() does
>> >>> composition, and the composed object own their own formatting. It's
>> >>> also
>> >>> extensible: you can define your own formatting capabilities for your
>> >>> types and use them with string.format() by defining toFormat(). (By
>> >>> default, I would assume that Object.prototype.toFormat() just calls 
>> >>> toString()).
>> >>> This, I think, helps with locale issues too. Types like Date that
>> >>> care about locale will be able to handle it themselves in their call
>> >>> to
>> >>> toFormat() without string.format() needing to deal with it.
>> >>> - bob
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> The string conversion should probably use the internal ToString
>> >>>>> function instead (which works for null and undefined too).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Agree.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> For formats expecting numbers, it should convert the argument to a
>> >>>>> number using ToNumber.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Probably not. As string is the thing being constructed, it make
>> >>>> sense to offer "hidden" string conversion. In my experience using
>> >>>> this feature in Python, it is within expectation and offer some
>> >>>> convenience. Any further "hidden" conversion should really be avoided.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Rounding is specified as "math.round(n - 0.5)" (capital M in Math?).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Right, thanks.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> This leaves it open whether overwriting Math.round should change
>> >>>>> the behavior of format. It probably shouldn't (i.e., again it
>> >>>>> would be better to specify in terms of internal,
>> >>>>> non-use-modifiable functions).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Agree.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> The rounding is equivalent to Math.floor(n) (aka round towards
>> >>>>> -Infinity), if I'm not mistaken, so why not just use that?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> In this example, 8 / (3 - 8 / 3) , the display will be 
>> >>>> 23.99999999999999.
>> >>>> So the internal representation could be a little bit more or a
>> >>>> little bit less than the theoretical value due to float precision.
>> >>>> Math.round might generate less surprise results than Math.floor.
>> >>>> Of cause, the internal implementation shouldn't rely on either of these 
>> >>>> two.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> (Personally I would prefer truncation (round towards zero), if
>> >>>>> conversion to integer is necessary).
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Why can octal, binary and hexidecimal forms only be used on integers?
>> >>>>> Number.prototype.toString with
>> >>>>> an argument works on fractions too (try Math.PI.toString(13) for
>> >>>>> laughs :).
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Why only fixed bases (2,8,10,16)? How about adding an optional
>> >>>>> base parameter to number display (with x, d, o, b as shorthands
>> >>>>> for the more standard bases)? Again, Number.prototype.toString
>> >>>>> means that it's already in the language. (I know that step 7 says
>> >>>>> copy the format of other languages, but that seems shortsighted
>> >>>>> since ECMAScript is not those languages, and only copying
>> >>>>> functionality from C verbatim seems like tying your shoelaces
>> >>>>> together before the race).
>> >>>>>
>> >>>> The question for both questions is how useful is that. If it is
>> >>>> only needed in one or few rare occasions, it is probably not a good
>> >>>> idea to complicate the language.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> "Placeholder used in format specifier part can not have format
>> >>>>> specifier. This prevent the replacement from embedding more than
>> >>>>> one level."
>> >>>>> Should that be "... can not have a placeholder."?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> No.   The former prevent any format specifier (including embedded
>> >>>> placeholder). Refer to the Python specification, it does make sense.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> If the placeholder value is not a string, it should be converted
>> >>>>> to a string.
>> >>>>> If it is not a valid format, what happens then?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Raise exception?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Is the following valid:
>> >>>>>  "{x} and {1[y]}".format({x:42},{y:37}) I.e., can object property
>> >>>>> shorthands ({x} instead of {0[x]}) be used if there are more than
>> >>>>> one argument?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Good points. Possible choices:
>> >>>> 1. {x} always refer to the first object given.
>> >>>> 2. {x} only works when there is one and only one object argument.
>> >>>> 3. {x} will be replaced by the first object that has property x,
>> >>>> ie. the following should work too.
>> >>>>     "{x}, {z} and {1[y]}".format({x:42}, {z:43, y:37})
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I prefer 1.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> And some arbitrary ideas for extension:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> How about a boolean test that checks for falsy-ness of the
>> >>>>> argument and acts as one of two other formats or literals?
>> >>>>> E.g.
>> >>>>>  "{0:s} drew {1:?his|her} gun.".format(, person.isMale)
>> >>>>> "Please press return{0:?.|{1}}".format(notCritical, " and run!")
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Interesting. In example 1, the issue is literal get into the
>> >>>> placeholder, that could make things messy.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Or allow computed indices?
>> >>>>>  "{0[{1}][he]} drew {0[{1}][his]}
>> >>>>> gun.".format({male:{he:"He",his:"his"},
>> >>>>> female:{he:"She",his:"her"}}, "female");
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Allow embedded placeholder inside the field part (not the format
>> >>>> specifier part) of a placeholder is something that I will be very
>> >>>> cautious about.
>> >>>> shanjian
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> /L
>> >>>>> --
>> >>>>> Lasse Reichstein -
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> _______________________________________________
>> >>>> es-discuss mailing list
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> es-discuss mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Adam Shannon
>> > UNI Freshman
>> > Web Developer
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > es-discuss mailing list
>> >
>> >
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>> -- 
>> Nebojša Ćirić
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