On Mar 14, 2011, at 3:02 AM, Dmitry Soshnikov wrote:

> Yep, thanks Brendan,
> I filed the bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=641436
> But the thing with `this` is still interesting for me. So in this particular 
> case `this` should be set to `undefined`.

No, |this| is not set to undefined. The generator function yields undefined 
each time (via |yield;| in the loop body).

That undefined is what the anonymous expression closure you pass to map should 
(absent the bug) return in turn (i.e., undefined is the return value of 
g.next() and thus the return value of function(i) g.next()).

Notice how you evaluate a |new| operator exactly once, in the top-level 
assignment expression statement:

>> // infinite objects generator
>> let g = new function () {
>>  this.x = 10;
>>  while (true) {
>>    yield;
>>  }
>> };
>> // generate an array of 3 objects
>> let objects = [1, 2, 3].map(function(i) g.next());

A generator function called as a constructor via new receives a fresh Object 
instance as |this|, same as for any function.

However, there's no way for a generator function to return that instance, 
because a generator function always implicitly returns a fresh generator 
iterator when invoked. It could store |this| in the heap, and whatever value 
|this| receives is saved as part of the shallow continuation capture by the 

If you write |return this| anywhere in the body of the generator function 
you'll get an early error. So really all |new| is doing for you here is giving 
a fresh object to |this|, which seems fine if that's what you want.


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