On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:24 PM, Garrett Smith <dhtmlkitc...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 3/17/11, Juriy Zaytsev <kan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for bringing this quirk to the surface. I remember being puzzled
> by
> > the presence of this wording in HTML5 spec but never got a chance to do
> > anything about it.
> >
> > By "non-standard" I meant "not part of ECMA-262 standard" (not that it's
> not
> > part of any other standard, such as HTML5... which — to be precise — is
> not
> > yet a standard, as far as I understand). I changed the wording of the
> test
> > to make it clearer —
> http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/strict-mode/
> >
> HTML5 is modular and granular. Each part can have a status.


> > And while we're on this subject, I've been tinkering with compat. table
> of
> > non-standard ES features across various (modern and not so modern)
> > implementations —
> http://kangax.github.com/es5-compat-table/non-standard/
> >
> The table indicates FF as the only browser supporting Array generics.
> Array generics are standard and work in Webki, Opera and Chrome .
> I think you meant what I call static Array Generics, though I think I
> may have coined that term.

Yep, that's what I meant. I actually thought that "Array Generics" are what
you call "Static Array Generics". MDN docs are vague —

> That is, Array.push( a, "f" ); can be used
> in just Firefox.

Yeah. Well, any Gecko-based implementation (that implements JS 1.6), to be
more precise ;)

> // Array Generic
> var a = {};
> Array.prototype.push.call( a, "f" );
> a[0]; // "f"

> // Static Array Generic
> var a = {};
> Array.push( a, "f" );
> a[0]; // "f"

The table lists _non-standard_ extensions only, which `Array.*` and
`String.*` are, so those are the methods presence of which I'm testing.


I need to show code that's associated with each test, to avoid this

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