>>> right now, bracket notation is a superset of dot notation, but it would no 
>>> longer be under the proposed syntax.
>> I'm afraid I can't figure out what this means, but it doesn't sound true to 
>> me.
> Right now, everything that can be expressed via dot notation has an analog in 
> bracket notation that means the same thing.

This is also true of the private names proposal with the overloaded dot 
notation. Given any expression <<expr>>.foo, the expression is equivalent to 
<<expr>>[#.foo]. (If `foo' is not private, then the expression is also 
equivalent to <<expr>>['foo'] as usual.)

> Bracket notation can additionally accommodate any string that doesn't qualify 
> as an IdentifierName. That's what I meant by "superset."

And that would continue to be true as well.

So I still don't see how that's an argument against private dot-notation.


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