On 3/22/11, Joshua Bell <j...@lindenlab.com> wrote:
> I was noodling with a (toy) compiler-to-JS for a (dead) language that
> supports error handlers for two boundary conditions - stack depth exceeded &
> out of memory - and noticed that the relevant behavior in JS is not standard
> across browsers. Has there been any discussion around standardization of
> errors thrown when limits of the script execution environment are hit?
> (Searching the archives didn't yield hits, but my search-fu may be weak
> today.)
> From briefly testing the boxes on my desk:
> stack depth:
> function a() { return a() + 1; } a();
> * IE9: Error, message: 'Out of stack space'
> * Firefox 4: InternalError, message: 'too much recursion'
javascript: alert(new InternalError("Got on tha inside, bitch!"));

Hrm. seems odd to expose the constructor publicly.

But FWIW, `new InternalError instanceof Error` is true.

> * Safari 5: RangeError, message 'Maximum call stack size exceeded'
> * Chrome 10: RangeError, message: 'Maximum call stack size exceeded', type:
> 'stack_overflow'
Agree with Brendan. Seems strange.

The infinite recursion could be detected and reported early. Where
does that happen? Does any engine report early for infinite recursion?
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