Hi Sean,

Yes, I'm interested in this possibility as well. It'll probably take some 
careful working-through of the details to figure out exactly when/where this is 
doable, but it's on my radar.


On Apr 1, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Sean Eagan wrote:

> Why not allow the spread operator to appear earlier (still just once
> though) in ArrayPatternList in
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:destructuring?  This
> could be useful when there is interesting stuff at the end and not
> interesting and/or variable length stuff earlier
> // variable length early segment
> function(first, ...variableLength, last){}
> // not interesting early segment
> function(interesting, ...notInteresting, alsoInteresting){}
> // identifier omission may be useful in this case
> function(interesting, ..., alsoInteresting){}
> // array literal forms
> [first, ...variableLength, last] = arr;
> [interesting, ...notInteresting, alsoInteresting] = arr;
> [interesting, ..., alsoInteresting] = arr;
> Thanks,
> Sean Eagan
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