On 4/11/11, Claus Reinke <claus.rei...@talk21.com> wrote:
> Like most Javascript programmers, I have tended to follow
> a simple rule for functions using 'this': eta-expand method
> selections, use .bind, or get into trouble.
That is unnecessary, inefficient, and adds clutter.

That most JavaScript programmers do that says more about trends in
JavaScript programming than it does about the language.

> Then I got curious about how method calls determine what
> object to pass as 'this': a method is a function selected from
> an object, and functions are first-class values, so, by the time
> they get called, how do we know where they came from?
The base object.

Follow these two rules to greatly reduce `this` reference confusion.

1. For instance methods (such as prototype methods), either qualify
the method call with the base object or use call/apply. For example,
var x = new X;
x.m(); // Qualified instance method
var m = x.m;

2. For static methods, write them so that they never use `this`. For
example, here is an example of static method `getStyle` that violates
that rule and uses `this`:

var StyleUtils = {
  HAS_COMPUTED_STYLE : (function() { /*...*/})(),
  getStyle : function(el, name) {
    // Problem: Use of `this` in static method.
    if(this.HAS_COMPUTED_STYLE) {

By never using `this` in static methods, it can be assured that they
can be aliased with a variable and passed around, e.g. `var getStyle =
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