Forms like `fluid-let' don't actually make dynamic decisions about *scope* -- 
they just mutate an existing, statically-scoped variable. We're really just 
talking about dynamic decisions about *where a variable is bound*, not *what 
the current value of its binding is*. That said, I happen to know Mark thinks 
fluids are a bad idea too. :)

Regardless, we're waaaay off-topic and diverging further still...


On Apr 16, 2011, at 3:08 PM, P T Withington wrote:

> On 2011-04-15, at 21:48, Mark S. Miller wrote:
>>                                               Why dynamic scoping was
>> attractive and why it turns out to be bad is one of the most important
>> lessons from the history of language design.
> It's a power tool, and can be misused, but it still has adherents.  Scheme 
> (and Dylan) have a more-controlled version in their `fluid-let` construct 
> (which leaves out the "pervasive special" feature of Lisp).

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