Le 18/04/2011 21:55, Sean Eagan a écrit :
> Storing proxy instance state directly within handlers:
> ==============================================================
> Trap namespace pollution:
> The default handler, Proxy.Handler, stores proxy instance state
> directly in each handler's "target" property.  Notice that this
> immediately prevents a "target" trap from being added in the future,
> which of course isn't so bad as it is an unlikely future trap name.
> However, as soon as proxies are standardized and start to be used, if
> user defined proxy instance state is allowed (and even strongly
> encouraged by implementing Proxy.Handler this way) to be stored in
> handlers, the entire remainder of the trap namespace will be open to
> pollution, and thus prevent *any* new traps from being added in the
> future without the likelihood of breaking existing code.  Beyond proxy
> instance state, users may also add helper methods including perceived
> "missing" traps, which may directly correlate to traps that would be
> wanted to be added in the future.  Thus, it seems to me that storing
> anything in handlers besides existing traps is likely to cause future
> headaches, and should be avoided.
That's an excellent point. It sounds to be a safe idea to consider the
handler as a namespace used for traps and that anything internal
state-related should be captured.
On the other hand, the main advantage of having "this.target" is that
anyone can replace one trap with user JS code (to add a logger for
instance) and have a way to access the target anyway. This would be
impossible if the target was encapsulated and only accessible within
built-in traps scopes. This advantage extends to any proxy library that
would decide to expose its handler and partial internal state by
exposing the partial state on the handler object.

As a side note, I'd like to say that, in my opinion, Proxy.Handler is a
misleading name. It seems to imply that all handlers must/should/had
better be a forwarding handler. I agree that it is certainly (one of)
the most important use case, nevertheless, it is a restricting view of
proxies which internal state has no reason to be reduced to a unique
object. I would be more in favor of Proxy.ForwardingHandler, even if
it's a bit long, I admit.

> Extra inheritance chain step when resolving traps:
> Just a minor observation that, if proxy instance state is stored in
> the own properties of a handler, and traps are inherited (as with
> Proxy.Handler created handlers), then all traps are at least one step
> up the inheritance chain.  With shared handlers, traps would be on
> average about one less step up the inheritance chain.  I realize
> prototype chain walking is highly optimized, but proxies allow for
> transparent non-optimized user defined inheritance.
The JS code in harmony:proxy_defaulthandler is given for illustration
purposes. All of this will be native code, so there should be no
performance issues.

> Existing default handler useless to shared handlers:
> ==============================================================
> The existing Proxy.Handler.prototype and all of its traps are useless
> to a shared handler because they all have a reference to
> "this.target".  This could be resolved by replacing these references
> with "this.getTarget(proxy)", but that again starts to pollute the
> trap namespace.
Unless we consider generalizing "this.getTarget" to any use case by
having a "this.getState" method (it's not a trap) on handlers. It would
be used when there is a need to standardize the state of the proxy
library (like the "target" for forwarding proxies). It would be reserved
for proxy library authors who would like to expose their handlers with
in mind the idea that people would change traps while still being able
to access partial internal state. Actually a |this.state| weak map
should be enough.
This constraint would change the way forwarding proxies are created
since the proxy object identity would need to be known before
initializing the state. Hence we would probably need to do something
like: https://gist.github.com/926581

We loose in simplicity (destructuring is helping though) but get all
advantages mentionned above.
The simplicity is lost because of the need of knowing the proxy object
identity before being able to release the handler (order of lines 9-11
which cannot be changed).

> Conversely, with a share-able Proxy.Handler,
> handler-per-instance use cases could be accommodated simply by
> wrapping a singleton pattern around a handler.
I did not understand this point. Could you provide an example or a code

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