On May 16, 2011, at 3:22 PM, Shawn Steele wrote:

> The problem is that “\UD800\UDC00” === “\U+010000”.  And if the internal 
> representation is UTF-32, then they’d have to continue to be the same.  And 
> it’s really hard for them to have the same length if one’s 2 code points and 
> the other’s 1 code point.

Not in my proposal!  "\ud800\udc00"=== "\u+010000"  is false in my proposal.  
One has length 2 and one has length.  You are confusing the logical 
interpretation of a UTF-16 encoded character sequence with the actual character 
encoding .  To get an equality in the context of my proposal you would have to 
say something like:

   UTF16Decode("\ud800\udc00") === "\u+010000"
   "\ud800\udc00" === UTF16Encode("u+010000")

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