
Parens-free call expression allow to provide some actions /decoratively/. From this, the consequence of easy and elegant DSLs (domain specific languages). For example:

class Account {
    attributes "customer", "cart"

Thus, call to `attribute` function looks like not the imperative call, but like a declaration that instances of Account class has those attributes.

Ruby uses exactly this approach of its attr_accessor, private, etc. "keywords" which in fact are just functions placed on the very basic class:

class Foo
  attr_accessor :x, :y

foo = Foo.new

foo.x = 10
foo.y = 20

which in fact is just a syntactic sugar (not at grammar, but at application level via simple `attr_accessor` function) for the:

class Foo

  def x

  def x=(value)

  def y

  def y=(value)


That is, create getter and setter for every needed property (yes, in Ruby all public properties are accessors). Thus, this function does it behind the scene: attr_accessor(:x, :y), however being called /without/ parens, it elegantly looks like a declarative keyword. Another example as is said, `private` function which also without parens looks like an operator.

Besides, If -> will be accepted, in many cases (being passed as callback) they will much more elegantly look without parens of call expressions.

So what do you think? If the idea is good, may it bring some problems with parsers and grammar?

P.S.: some examples of declarative DSLs: https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script/wiki/%5BExtensibility%5D-Writing-DSLs


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