On May 23, 2011, at 8:31 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On May 23, 2011, at 6:11 AM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
>> 1. More syntax means larger language surface, which adds complexity more 
>> things to remember / learn. More things to consider in ES.next.next 
> It's true, although not everyone learns it all up front. Especially where new 
> syntax is not yet supported in all browsers, and the student is not using a 
> compiler to translate new to old version.
> I think the sharper version of your (1) is: "class syntax is too much syntax 
> to solve the problems people have with prototypal inheritance: subclassed 
> prototype/constructor set-up and super calls."
> I agree with that.

To be fair, others want to hang more hats on class syntax, including traits 
(separate proposal) and const/abstract modifiers. Then there are the guards and 
trademarking strawmen.

Class syntax is like a lint brush for such features. If we add it, it will 
accrete more semantics (with unambiguous syntax, I hope) over time. This is 
just inevitable, in my view. It makes me want to resist classes and look at 
smaller and more direct fixes for the two known prototypal hazards.

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