On 05/21/11 23:53, Brendan Eich wrote:
That's accurate. But I discounted arrow functions because to be usable, to have 
the syntax you show above, requires GLR parsing (if bottom up; top-down may be 
easier, haven't proven it yet).

GLR parsing would be wild in ECMAScript due to the fact that the lexer is 
dependent on the parser's current state.  A GLR parser is working on a quantum 
superposition of multiple states in parallel, so if it encounters a / then some 
of the superposed states may direct the lexer to interpret it as a division 
symbol while others direct it to start scanning a regular expression.  So now 
you need a quantum entanglement of lexers corresponding to the superposed 
parser states the GLR parser is considering.  Semicolon insertion would also be 
be forced into quantum entanglement with the superposed parser states.

Do we really want to go there?

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