Does Waldemar still maintain the tool? the source dates seemed fairly old...

On May 29, 2011, at 12:21 PM, Brendan Eich <> wrote:

> On May 29, 2011, at 2:11 AM, Claus Reinke wrote:
>> tl;dr:
>>   - JS-based PEG + ANTLR as a route for ES grammar experiments
> Mark and Tom already use Ometa at a project, as noted. What 
> more do you want?
> This does *not* address the issue of a usable spec grammar that can be 
> validated (my point (a)). In spite of over a thousand words and many 
> paragraphs in reply :-/.
>>   - would like to know about route viability and alternative routes
> Tom testified to slowness. Mark and Tom being on TC39 does *not* address the 
> "implementor acceptability" (my point (b)) of Ometa, which is nearly nil.
>> The relation to the current topic is that ANTLR's LL(*) parsing [1]
>> aims to generalize and optimize PEGs and related formalisms
>> typical for top-down parsers (while GLR and bison are typical for
>> bottom-up parsers, which are not relevant for ES implementations,
>> according to your information).
> The ECMA-262 spec uses LR(1), and ES3's grammar was validated by Waldemar 
> using his custom common lisp program, source available in the old Mozilla CVS 
> repo:
> Changing to something new is certainly possible, but we need at least "that 
> much" validation (what Yacc calls shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflict 
> detection).
> Top-down formalisms may not be suitable if they do not check for ambiguities 
> and rule them out. To quote from Waldemar on this list in October 2008,
> "This is why ambiguous grammars are bad and unsuitable for our spec.  In an 
> unambiguous grammar, if you find a series of production expansions that 
> matches a source program, then you know that those are the expansions that 
> will be taken.  In an ambiguous grammar, you also need to prove the negative: 
> no *other* expansion can match that source program and shadow your 
> expansions.  Proving the negative causes trouble because a language extension 
> could turn the mismatch into a match and because sometimes[...], you expected 
> some other part of the grammar to shadow your expansions but it didn't."
> At this point, I'd like to plead for fewer words and aspirational statements, 
> and more concrete details about validation against ambiguity in the system(s) 
> you are proposing.
>> The postings which triggered my inquiry were authored by
>> coders not implementing the major ES engines, but by ES
>> implementers nevertheless.
> If you mean Mark and Tom, please say so. They did not implement a performant 
> JS engine, so that's not helpful for point (b). Last time I'll say this, 
> please don't rehash.
> Many people are playing with JS parsers, testing extensions, building 
> transpilers. That's all great, but it does not address the spec issue, 
> specifically both points (a) and (b).
> /be
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