> Anyway, my point is that decorators in front of functions and classes or 
> other declarative forms work. In front of every property assignment in an 
> object literal? Not so much.

The defaults outlined in “Object Literal Extensions” should work well, I 
especially like the shorter syntax for methods. What other needs are there? 
@const (=non-configurable and non-writable) and @private? That would move 
things a little more into the direction of Java, but I wouldn’t mind that. A 
little more verbose, yes, but one would also immediately understand what is 
going on.

> It may be that we require @decorators to start on a new line (with leading 
> horizontal space allowed, of course), in order to enable @ as an operator in 
> expressions where [no LineTerminator here] would apply to the left of the @.

That makes sense. I always format my code like this, anyway. Syntax coloring 
displays them in gray which greatly minimizes *perceived* clutter.

> What are the few special characters that you can handle, right now, as 
> additions mooted for JS?

I can handle everything except for some of the proposed object literal 
shorthands (see code at the bottom of this email). Read on.

> Quasi-literals rule, and `` is the right quoting system given the characters 
> left that can be easily typed and that don't ding readability.

Yes, I love them and hope that assignment via ${=x} makes it into ES.next, 
because that’ll enable us to do all kinds of matching.

> We have <| but it is a bit contentious. No one has topped it, though, and a 
> keyword instead seems to lose on both restricted-production and 
> no-better-word-than-<| grounds.

I like that one, it’s very visual; I find it more descriptive than the keyword 

> Some find -> and => cryptic, but it's hard to say the only alternative is to 
> stick to eight-letter 'function'. ('lambda' is not reserved and can't be used 
> without breaking compatibility; and it's six letters.)
> Some find block-lambdas with their Ruby- (and to a lesser extend Smalltalk-) 
> inspired {||...} bracketing cryptic.

- Pro block-lambdas: A new construct that can be used in places where dynamic 
|this| (that normal functions are always going to have) would be a burden.

- Pro arrows: little semantic change. With the shorthand for methods in object 
literals, there is the question whether dynamic |this| is ever needed. But if 
we need both dynamic and lexical |this|, then the arrows are nice in that they 
look similar, but are still different.

- Pro ƒ: short, syntactically very similar to current semantics *and* syntax. 
And as easy to type on a German Mac keyboard as curly braces and square 
brackets. But I respect the reasoning against it and am in awe that you still 
have the patience to discuss this kind of issue.

> There are other options, but they all face genreric "too much line noise!" 
> objections.

Programming language syntax is in the same category as politics and religion: 
There are few simple compromises.

This is me being oblivious to many of the gory details, but if only my taste 
mattered, then I would do the following:

==== Instead of (example in the proposal) ... ====

var obj = theProtoObj <| {.seal,
    ~konst:= f(), 
    handler: defaultHandler, 
    ~get super set name(v) {throw Error("some message")},
    source() {throw Error("another message")},
    toString() {return "d "+super.toString()}

==== ... write the following ====

var obj = theProtoObj <| {.seal,
    konst: f(),
    handler: defaultHandler, 
    get name() {
        return super.name;
    set name(v) {
        throw Error("some message");
    source() {throw new Error("another message")},
    toString() {return "d "+super.toString()},

==== Rationale ====

- Does enumerability ever matter?
- Passing the getter through to the super-class seems like a rare use case. 
Doing so manually could be optimized by a compiler and while it is a tiny bit 
verbose, it clearly expresses what is going on. The proposed shorthand is hard 
to parse for me. Alternative:

    get name() super,
    set name(v) {
        throw Error("some message");

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


home: rauschma.de
blog: 2ality.com

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