
I agree with your goal of simplifying things in this area.  In that regard, I 
think you bare-miniumn requirements align quite nicely with "prototypes as 
classes" as has been recently discussed here.  In case you haven't followed all 
the twists of the discussion, Axel Rauschmayer has a nice overview at 
http://www.2ality.com/2011/06/prototypes-as-classes.html . The big hangup with 
this approach until recently was that it did not seem to  fit well with the 
existing built-ins or constructor patterns.  However, it now appears that there 
is a pretty nice way to integrate the two approaches.

Taking this approach, we would have the full expressiveness of your 
bare-miniumn classes but achieve it using object literal extensions.   There is 
no need to add a new class declaration form. We would have something that works 
and feels like classes but which also preserves the prototypal inheritance 
focus and feel of ES.  It also continues to reserve the "class" keyword for 
future use, if it turns out that this simpler "prototype as classes" approach 
is inadequate (I don't think this will happen, but it is good to still have a 

As soon as a get a block of time later this week I will write up a "prototype 
as classes" proposal that covers al the technical edge cases including 
integration with existing built-ins.


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