On Jun 28, 2011, at 4:41 PM, Bob Nystrom wrote:

> From my view, JS-of-today is no less prototype-based than what Axel is 
> proposing, it just wires things up a bit differently. Or is there something 
> I'm missing?

Brendan here, you know, the idiot who perpetrated JS. You are not missing 
anything. I wired up functions as constructors with .prototype properties to 
mimic Java classes, and supported the new operator, from JS1.0 in 1995 on. I 
made JS prototypal but not Self-like (no copy message, no multiple parents, no 

So now that we've cleared this up ;-), can we agree that prototypes and 
closures rock, and that constructor functions are not going away?

If so, it seems to me the prototype-first idea is trying to roll a very large, 
still moving stone up a tall hill. Yes, you can use prototypes that way. Indeed 
nothing stops users of ES.next, assuming <| or whatever it'll be called, and 
super-in-object-initialisers, make it to the finish line.

But that may not suffice to get the cows off the classy path. It may just 
complicate new and instanceof, with few users benefiting. I claim we can do 
little to control the outcome in terms of adoption. The downrev browser 
problem, plus the classical OOP patterning in many devs' brains, count more 
than our exhortations.

Would it be a better world if JS had always named the prototype, wired up new C 
to use C.constructor, etc.? Maybe. But that road was not taken, and that makes 
all the difference.


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