On Jun 29, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

> Prototypes-as-classes (starting from scratch, with a clean protocol that has 
> no notion of constructor functions):
>        new C(x,y)
> desugars (conceptually!) to
>        (new C).constructor(x,y)
> With:
> (1) Instantiation: new C
> (2) Initialization: .constructor(x, y)

That's all neat in a kind of desugaring ftw, nerdcore way, but tl;dr -- users 
don't care and they want to write new C and have it just work (mostly; granted 
some crack the code, for a few good and bad purposes).

> I find that PaCs untangle (1) and (2), because method constructor() only has 
> to play role (2), whereas constructor functions have to sometimes play both 
> roles, sometimes only role (2) (when called from a sub-constructor).

I see your point, but most of the time this is detail to be abstracted away 
from, not modeled in one's head every time one writes new C or even C().

Anyway, the die was cast long ago.

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