> I'm not sure. I briefly checked the private names proposal 
> <http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:private_name_objects> and I 
> think the detailed interaction with proxies still has to be fleshed out.

Sure, I'll be happy to work with you on this.

> The proposal does mention: "All reflective operations that produce a property 
> name, when reflecting on a private name, produce the name’s .public property 
> instead of the name itself."
> Would the same hold for reflective operations that consume property names, 
> such as handler traps?

No, they would require the private name object. The idea here is that you need 
a reference to the private name to get access to its property. So you can't do 
any proxy operations on a private property if you don't have the private name 
object. But the proxy traps do not automatically hand out that reference to a 
handler trap, in case the trap didn't already have a reference to it (which 
would constitute a leak). Instead, it hands them the corresponding public key. 
This way, *if* the trap has a reference to the private key, it can identify 
which private name is being accessed. Otherwise, the trap can't conclude 
anything more than "operation X was requested on *some* private name."


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