On Jul 19, 2011, at 11:56 AM, Luke Hoban wrote:

> The arguments in favor of a library alternative are:
> 1) Immediately useful to all JS developers
> 2) Simple, understandable syntax consistent with existing practice

I agree with all this, but demur here:

> From discussions with some Microsoft dev teams, that could be a 3+ year 
> difference in adoption timeline. 

If this is a give me the goods now argument, and the goods can be expressed via 
functions, I'm with you.

If this is "new syntax takes too long to be usable due to downrev browsers, 
mainly IE", then that's no reason to stall progress on usable and new syntax 
for novel semantics (i.e., shallow continuations). Harmony requires not putting 
the language into a no-new-syntax straightjacket. That was ES3.1 -> ES5, and we 
are past it.

But I quite agree that we should consider functions as alternatives to special 
forms where they are plausible (so, not for yield, to pick up the shallow 
continuations example).


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