There are many already I guess, e.g. pair of possible ES6 methods, and also from any other framework (such as String.repeat).

What's the goal? None of discussed methods is standardized yet. But, if you think currently needed, just start to collect and implement them. You will implement just a library. Possibly users will start to use this library (exactly yours library, but not another form tones of), and then it can turn out that ES will standardize another behavior for the same method, which will mean "break the web". There will be two ways -- either to standardize "yours" as de-facto standard (if it will be widely spread), or users of your shim will have to correct old code.

However, if some of methods are already 100% in the and their behavior is 100% accepted (in what I have doubts), then, yes, of course do it -- it will be good to have it collected.


On 31.07.2011 18:33, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
Is anyone planning to collect the planned utility methods (Array.from(), 
String.repeat(), Object.getOwnProperties(), etc.) in a single file where each 
of the methods is conditionally added to the appropriate objects. If not, I 
would do so and publish the result on GitHub.

Compare: ECMAScript 5 shim.



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