2011/8/22 Norbert Lindenberg <ecmascr...@norbertlindenberg.com>:
> The specification of String.prototype.toLowerCase in ES 5.1 (which is also 
> referenced in String.prototype.toUpperCase) refers to the Unicode character 
> database for case mappings, explicitly including "not only the 
> UnicodeData.txt file, but also the SpecialCasings.txt file that accompanies 
> it in Unicode 2.1.8 and later".
> The SpecialCasings.txt file includes not only a large number of 
> locale-insensitive mappings, but also a few locale-sensitive mappings. In 
> particular, the Turkish mappings for the Latin letters "I" and "i" (which map 
> to "ı" (U+0131) and "İ" (U+0130) in Turkish) have been in the file since 
> Unicode 2.1.8, while additional ones were added later.

JQuery and a lot of other JS code would break in pretty obvious ways
if any major browser did this.  http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.2.js

    rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,

and the "i" flag handling delegates to toUpperCase per so
would never actually match "<SCRIPT", instead matching only the
version with a dotted upper-case I.

I seem to remember that some version of Rhino did this though,
delegating both toUpperCase and toLocaleUpperCase to
java.lang.String.toUpperCase() which uses the default locale.
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