On Sep 2, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On Sep 2, 2011, at 3:29 PM, Irakli Gozalishvili wrote:
>> On Friday, 2011-09-02 at 22:28 , Brendan Eich wrote:
>>> Can you show your label hack for SpiderMonkey to es-discuss?
>> Ahh sorry I did not realized I forgot to post link:
>> https://github.com/Gozala/doc 
> Cool! Permit me to cite some of your README content to help promote to those 
> who did not click ;-) -- here it is:
> var doc = require('doc').doc
> doc(doc) // Prints following output:
> /*
> function doc(source) { ... }
> -----------------------------------------------
> Prints documentanion of the given function
> */
> // You can also document your own functions:
> function compose() {
>   doc: "Returns the composition of a list of functions, where each function"
>      | "consumes the return value of the function that follows. In math"
>      | "terms, composing the functions `f()`, `g()`, and `h()` produces"
>      | "`f(g(h()))`."
>      | "Usage:"
>      | "var greet = function(name) { return 'hi: ' + name }"
>      | "var exclaim = function(statement) { return statement + '!' }"
>      | "var welcome = compose(exclaim, greet)"
>      | "welcome('moe')"
>      | "//> 'hi: moe!'"

Function.toString isn't standardised, and I recall that in the past SM did 
elide dead code, multiple engines reformat code, so in general this doesnt seem 
reliable at a library level.  It also doesn't work for builtin functions, and I 
feel we'd want a solution that allows documentation for builtin functions as 

>From the pov of runtime identification, we'd be in the odd position of having 
>to try and identify valid code as being documentation.

This shouldn't be taken as support for this idea (documentation as part of the 
language) as I feel that this is the type of feature i'd associate with the 
development environment rather than part of the language.


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