On Oct 3, 2011, at 3:11 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de> wrote:

> Keep in mind that class literals are syntactic sugar and that Russells 
> suggestion was about using his modified <| operator as a replacement for 
> class literals.
> What you are suggesting is a generic <| operator, where both LHS and RHS can 
> be arbitrary expressions.

Actually no - see below...

> However, the point of <| is that the RHS must be a literal (function 
> declaration or object literal), because it actually should be considered to 
> be a part of that literal. It creates the RHS with the appropriate prototype. 
> Allowing any expression as the RHS would mean that the prototype of the RHS 
> would have to be changed and that is much more tricky.

The grammar rules for ProtoLiteral cover the various literal types including 
regex, so they're fairly broad now. I wasn't suggesting any expression, just 
integration of the class grammar since the intent of the '<|' operator seems to 
be to make it easier to extend classes. Having the '<|' operator exclude class 
constructs seems counterintuitive unless it is an alternative syntax to the 
classes proposal.

> On Oct 3, 2011, at 11:35 , Kam Kasravi wrote:
>> If the <| operator's intent is to create new classes easily via composition, 
>> it seems like its grammar should be 
>> 'class' friendly eg the LHS <| RHS could be a class and/or class expression 
>> as in the following:
>> class Person { 
>>   constructor(name) { 
>>     private name;
>>     @name = name;
>>   }
>>   describe() {
>>     return "Person called "+@name;
>>   }
>> } 
>> class Worker = Person <| class {
>>   constructor(name, title) {
>>     private title;
>>     super(name);
>>     @title = title;
>>   }
>>   describe() {
>>     return super.describe()+" ("+@title+")"; 
>>   }
>> };
>> However the grammar as described would exclude the above.
>> Would the Set Literal Prototype grammar eventually be reconciled with the 
>> class grammar
>> or do you feel it's a replacement? I ask because I suspect an application 
>> programmer would not understand why the RHS could 
>> take an ObjectLiteral (for example) but not an anonymous class - after all 
>> both contain 'class' elements. 
>> If the answer is 'no', it seems like '<|' fragments the ways to define a 
>> class shape where 
>> LHS <| {
>>   constructor: function(name,title) {
>>     Person.call(this,name);
>>     this.title = title;
>>   }
>> }
>> works but 
>> LHS <| class {
>>   constructor(name,title) {
>>     private title;
>>     super(name);
>>     @title = title;
>> }
>> does not.
>> From: Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com>
>> To: Russell Leggett <russell.legg...@gmail.com>
>> Cc: Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de>; es-discuss <es-discuss@mozilla.org>
>> Sent: Sunday, October 2, 2011 3:19 PM
>> Subject: Re: Minor extension to Set Literal Prototype operator as minimal 
>> classes
>> On Oct 2, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Russell Leggett wrote:
>>> ...
>>> I can see the "recursive stache" useful in some situations (although
>>> it is another syntax addition to object literals). It would allow for
>>> the ability to apply a deeply nested "patch" to an object, which is
>>> sort of interesting to think about. However, what I think this
>>> pattern, the original pattern, and Axel's pattern all lack is that it
>>> places too much emphasis on class members, and not enough on the
>>> prototype. Perhaps I'm being too nit-picky now, but I find that
>>> class/static members are a whole lot more rare than prototype/instance
>>> members. My proposal was shooting for a sweet spot where the 90% (a
>>> made up number of course) case of a constructor and some prototype
>>> methods could be handled in one object literal, effectively the same
>>> code as the body of a potential class literal.
>> The problem with:
>>>     const ClassName = SuperClass <| {
>>>             constructor(/*constructor parameters */) {
>>>                //constructor body
>>>                super.constructor(/*arguments to super constructor */);
>>>                this.{
>>>                  //per instance property definitions
>>>                }
>>>             }
>>>             method1(){ return super.method1(); }
>>>             method2(){}
>>>             prop1:"Properties unlikely, but allowed"
>>>     }.{
>>>             //class properties
>>>             staticMethod(){}
>>>     };
>> Is that the
>>  SuperClass <| {     
>>      ...     
>>      }
>> part evaluates to the prototype object, not the constructor function and 
>> hence what you would be naming is the prototype.  This, in general, is how 
>> stache has to work for arbitrary object literals where all you really are 
>> trying to do is set the [[Prototype]].  There really isn't anything special 
>> in your pattern that distinguishes it from that simple object case.
>> As has been discussed on this list before, if you are actually using 
>> prototypal inheritance to construct your object abstractions then  it really 
>> is the prototype you want to name rather than the constructor function.  EG:
>> const Person = Mammal <| {
>>     name: 'John Doe',
>>     constructor(sex,name) {
>>         super.constructor(sex);
>>         this.{name}
>>    }
>> }
>> console.log(typeof Person);  //'object', not 'function'
>> console.log(Person.name);  //'John Doe'
>> Person is the prototypal person.  You would then really like to create new 
>> Person instances like:
>> let joe = new Person('male','Joe Smith'); // means roughly joe = 
>> Object.create(Person).constructor('male','Joe Smith')
>> console.log(joe.name);  //'Joe Smith'
>> console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(joe).name);  //'John Doe'
>> However, new currently throws when applied to non-function objects.   This 
>> is something I would like to fix for ES.next.
>> Also, there is also an issue that in a definition like mine above the 
>> constructor function that is being created really should automatically get a 
>> 'prototype' property that back references the object with the 'constructor' 
>> property.
>> Allen
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> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
> a...@rauschma.de
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