> Channeling for MarkM, if you use regular objects for the enumeration element 
> values you probably will want to freeze them all so they can't be used as a 
> communications channel.

Immutability makes sense. I don’t understand the "communications channel" 

> You may also want to define them with a null [[Prototype]].  I intended to do 
> that for e in my original formulation for it got lost along the way from my 
> mind to my finders.

What’s the benefit? Is comparison faster? It can’t be about memory consumption 

> For debugging output you might want to capture the string of each numeration 
> element value and provide a toString method.

Good idea! With a null prototype, such a method would be needed to make the 
objects printable.

We are approaching Bloch’s solution in "Effective Java".

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


home: rauschma.de
blog: 2ality.com

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