On Oct 19, 2011, at 12:55 PM, Eric Jacobs wrote:

> Kris Zyp wrote:
>> I believe that the overwhelming need that is continually and 
>> constantly expressed and felt in the JS community in terms of handling 
>> asynchronous activity is fundamentally a cry for top-down controlled 
>> single-frame continuations (obviously not always stated in such terms, 
>> but that is the effective need/solution). In terms of an actual code 
>> example, essentially what is desired is to be able to write functions 
>> like:
>> element.onclick = function(){
>>    // suspend execution after doSomethingAsync() to wait for result
>>    var result = <some operator> doSomethingAsync();
>>    // resume and do something else
>>    alert(result);
>> };
> I really like the direction that this is going, but I'm curious: Why not 
> look into having full coroutines support?

Asked and answered many times, e.g.


on the implementation problems with requiring suspending across native frames.

The other objection is that (ignoring some evil native APIs such as sync XHR) 
JS has run-to-completion execution model now. You can model


where "etc" means functions called from f. No data races, no preemption points 
even if "voluntary" -- the immediately preempted function may have volunteered, 
but in programming in the large, the sum of its ancestors in all call graphs 
may well *not* have volunteered to lose their invariants.

This second objection is not an implementor issue, rather a 
security/integrity/pedagogy concern. It's a big one too.


> Coroutines support the above 
> pattern well, plus they can be used to implement generators using the 
> same mechanisms (although slightly differently than JS1.7/Python 
> generators.) To allow code to suspend execution as you have shown above 
> while avoiding reentrancy, you'll need some kind of "fork" or "spawn" 
> primitive as well, and coroutines provide a nice paradigm for that.
> -Eric
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