On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de> wrote:
> Also, in general this sort of well known private method name hook is much
> more extensible than "internal method" as currently used in the es spec.
> They also avoid the need to polute the Proxy API
> Reified names (private or otherwise) are a very powerful mechanism. I’m not
> aware of another programming language that does this (possibly Common Lisp
> with its symbols, but I don’t know enough about them). It’s good to have
> them, because they increase JavaScript’s expressiveness.

Private names in basically the same form as have been accepted for
ES.next are available in Racket [1], with the equivalent of the
'private x;' syntax that we proposed but didn't make the cut.  I
believe that the system in Racket was one of the inspirations for
Dave's original private name proposal long long ago.

sam th
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