But we could have super(foo) as syntactic sugar for super.constructor(foo), 
right? Not that I think it matters terribly...

On Oct 30, 2011, at 20:51 , Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> On Oct 30, 2011, at 3:36 AM, David Bruant wrote:
>>> ...
>> I wonder if the "only one semicolon" obsession is really worth it. Consider:
>> -----
>> const className = superClass <| function(/*constructor parameters */) {
>>        //constructor body
>>        super.constructor(/*arguments to super constructor */);
>>        this.{
>>         //per instance property definitions
>>        };
>>    };
>> className.prototype.{
>>    // prototype properties
>> };
>> // and if really necessary:
>> /*className.{
>>    // "constructor properties"
>> };*/
>> -----
>> As far as I'm concern, this is declarative enough:
>> 1) <| provides the proper "super" (why the ".constructor"?) within the
>> constructor body
> In general, it is necessary to know at runtime what property name you are 
> doing a super look up for. the name can be either implicit or explicit but it 
> has to come from somewhere and generally JS functions don't always have 
> intrinsic names. Also there are some issues relating to super references to 
> getter/setter properties that make the explicit name nice.  Also, sometimes 
> the method you want to super invoke is the name same name as the current 
> method (for example, see 
> https://github.com/allenwb/ESnext-experiments/blob/master/ST80collections-exp1.js#L419
>  ).  We may be able to work out the details so we can leave out the property 
> name if it is the same as the current method name, but for now I always 
> explicitly include the name.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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