> But IIUC, you're proposing a semantics where you construct a brand new object 
> P whose __proto__ is SuperClass.prototype and then copy all the 
> own-properties of the RHS into P.
> Not quite. P is a constructor function (class object), SuperClass is a 
> constructor function. Unless I'm confused, P's ".prototype" is an instance of 
> SuperClass,

Oh sorry, we're just miscommunicating about what's labeled what -- I was using 
P to name the .prototype of the subclass constructor. Let me be concrete:

    class SubClass extends SuperClass RHS

I was using P as the name of the new object created and stored as 
SubClass.prototype. Then P.__proto__ is SuperClass.prototype, and the 
own-properties of the object that RHS evaluates to are copied into P. Instances 
O of SubClass have O.__proto__ === P.

> and therefore instances of P have an RHS own-property-filled __proto__ object 
> that itself has a __proto__ object pointing at SuperClass.prototype. Fun 
> stuff.


> Indeed, super() is tricky. For what it's worth, CoffeeScript's class syntax 
> requires literal (non-expression) class body definitions in part to make 
> Semantics #4 possible, with purely lexical super calls. Your example's 
> "LEXICALLYBOUNDPROTO" is CoffeeScript's "ClassObject.__super__".
> Fortunately, y'all have the ability to bend the runtime to your will. To 
> solve the super() problem, you can simply have the JavaScript engine keep 
> track of when a function has called through the `super()` boundary, and from 
> that point on downwards in that method's future call stack, add an extra 
> `__proto__` lookup to each super resolution. When the inner `super()` is then 
> called in the context of the outer `this`, the result will be a variant of #2:
> this.__proto__.__proto__.METHODNAME.call(this, ...args)
> ... and it should work.

This doesn't sound right to me. What happens if you call the same method on 
another object while the super-resolution is still active for the first call? 
IOW, this sounds like it has similar problems to dynamic scope; the behavior of 
a function becomes sensitive to the context in which it's called, which is 

> There may be something wrong with the above -- but dynamic super() should be 
> a solveable problem for JS.next, even if not entirely desugar-able into ES3 
> terms.

The problem isn't so much whether it's possible to come up with a semantics by 
changing the runtime; I'm sure we could do that. The problem is finding a way 
to get the semantics you want without taxing the performance all other function 
calls in the language. (Also known as a "pay-as-you-go" feature: if you don't 
use the feature, it shouldn't cost you anything.) We don't know how to do that 
for super().

So I guess in theory I agree it'd be nice if super() and class could be 
designed completely orthogonally, but in practice they affect each other. But 
at the same time, I think a class syntax where the body is restricted to be 
declarative is actually a nice sweet spot anyway. You can still dynamically 
create classes just like always, but the declarative form gives you a sweet and 
simple syntax for the most common case.


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