I agree 100%. I still hope that object exemplars will become part of the 
language. However they *are* introducing a completely new way of implementing 
types (or rather, of naming exemplars). That is bound to be a deal-breaker for 
many. Thus, if I can’t have object exemplars, I’ll settle for the second-best 
thing: class declarations that look and feel just like them.


On Nov 3, 2011, at 17:52 , Jake Verbaten wrote:

> I like this one mainly for the line
> class declarations and object literals should have the same features
> However if they have the same features then why bother with class at all.
> Why not just have 
> let Monster = Being <| { ... }
> This way we don't introduce the class keyword which is confusing and loaded 
> with assumptions about what it does and means.
> https://gist.github.com/1336846

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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